Zion’s Company of Mothers

The Invitation to Real Rest

I’m Here to Shepherd You Over the past few months, I have had a stirring sense that the Lord wants to shepherd His daughters. It’s been a consistent theme in my own life personally, but now as I speak to many others, I see how He’s echoing this over His daughters, particularly those running on

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Sweet Mumma

There’s so many hats that we wear and often it can be overwhelming trying to keep up with all we’re trying to do. But I feel the Lord is returning joy to your soul. A deep well of joy. Not just surface level happiness, but as you continue to serve Him in your home —

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God’s Strength, Our Yes

I’ve always lived in this tension of, ‘How much of my life is my strength?’ and, ‘How much of my life is God’s strength?’ It’s all God, isn’t it? But also, does that mean we constantly sit idly by, waiting for God to move? I believe it’s about constantly checking in with God: ‘Am I

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Carried Close to His Heart

Before you continue reading, please know that what I’m going to share involves pregnancy loss and is therefore a very tender topic to many. Please continue reading only if you feel peace and are prepared to hear this topic being discussed. If not, please know that you are loved and seen by our Great Shepherd,

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In The Waiting

Please note that the following piece talks about  pregnancy and infertility. We bless you with God’s peace and comfort if you choose to read it.   What you’re about to read testifies of God’s perfect timing and the refining that happens in our season of ‘waiting’ for the fulfilment of His prophetic promises.  My husband and

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Deborah, Sing!

In Judges 4, we see Deborah, who was governing the people of Israel at the time, sitting under the palm tree at Bethel (the house of the Lord). ‘Now Deborah, a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading Israel at that time. She held court under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in

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Raising the Next Generation: Transforming Our Homes into Sanctuaries of Influence

Dear Mothers, A resounding divine call beckons us to rise as vigilant gatekeepers over our homes — an unwavering invitation to stand united and wield authority over the spiritual atmosphere that envelops our families. This is more than a call to rise; it is an invitation to shape destinies and cultivate legacies that resonate through

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Teach Your Children

Go back I recently had two dreams in which I was in a place of warning both parents and the body of Christ. In the first dream I was attending a birthday party in a home I’d never been before. I discovered during the party that there was this ride where people sit on rows

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