Zions Company of Women Podcast is a table set by the Spirit of God to dive into the Word of God, where the revelations of His heart are released. It is a sacred space to behold His beauty and sit in deeper realms of intimacy. Here, daughters, you will be equipped, refined, refreshed, strengthened and empowered to walk with Him into new and uncharted territories and to flourish in your identity in Him.
Join your hosts Lana and Courtney, come sit at His feet in deep intimacy, and arise as a warrior in this new era. We will dive deep into conversations with other powerful women of God, as He sets the table for you to flourish in who He has created you to be: a daughter of God, thriving in all areas of life and walking in boldness, freedom, courage and deep wholeness.
The Lord is gathering Zion’s Company of Women in this hour. They are being summoned by the Lord — a clarion call from His heart — to arise with the Word of the Gospel and messages of His heart, released from their mouths with a mighty roar of His love and authority.
They are tender, yet strong. They live deeply in the Word of God and they sit in the revelatory secrets He is releasing. They are being equipped for the days ahead by His Spirit: by the washing, refining and revelation of the Word, refreshed in His presence and strengthened and empowered by His Rhema and Holy Spirit.
Join us!
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In this final episode of our wisdom series and the final episode for 2024, Lana and Courtney take a look at ‘what wisdom is saying.’ We must have an intentionality to keep our eyes and mind firmly fixed on God as we listen to what wisdom is speaking. He is the Prince of Peace, in all times and seasons, so we may walk in the peace that surpasses all understanding. There is an authority that comes with peace, bringing us into a deeper place of trust. This is founded and rooted in His Word, which is our measuring stick for wisdom. Seek after Him, seek after His wisdom. He waits for us in His Word.
In this episode, Lana and Courtney take a slight detour on the topic of wisdom and discuss a subject from one of Lana’s latest words: God is raising up the storm chasers. But to still the storms on the outside, we must first quiet the storms inside us. God is teaching us this, giving us gentle hearts and incorruptible spirits; so that throughout all His dealings with us, we might know Him as good.
Read Lana’s word mentioned here: https://lanavawser.com/i-heard-the-lord-say-listen-closely-i-am-releasing-clarity-for-2025/
With special guest Roma Waterman, Lana and Courtney bring a wealth of wisdom in discussing how wisdom must be partnered with discernment. When God gives us wisdom, discernment tells us how to use it. We do this by asking God each step of the way. It is a brave way to live, but the only way to live. With clean hands and a pure and humble heart.
Proverbs 10:5 tells us to pay attention to the seasons, for there is strength found in knowing your season. Wisdom will guard us from wrong counsel and give us new strategies for the new season. Wisdom also calls us to examine our hearts and our heart motivations. God asks us to give our longings to Him: not so He can take them away, but so He can put them into their proper place and shape them into something beautiful. For God is bringing us out of the battlefield into a place of dreaming again. When you give your longings to God, you give Him the opportunity to be the I Am… Then you get to be the thing that you long for to the rest of the world.
In this episode, Lana and Courtney look at Proverbs 2:1-7 and discuss how wisdom brings first-love purity. Each time we encounter God’s wisdom, there comes a deeper level of consecration, as His awe and wonder challenges our own earthly wisdom. Wisdom is something that we must treasure, and in the very decision of seeking wisdom it shows just how much we recognise our own need for Him.
Proverbs 8&9 tell of how wisdom and foolishness both battle for our hearts. As we go through the gates of wisdom and come out the other side, we come out changed. We sit in the high places of wisdom and govern from the mountains of influence. Jesus, wisdom personified, lives in us and flows out of us. We may not always get it right, but wisdom is not perfection, wisdom is a place of connection to the Lord, leading to correction. And in whatever we do, wisdom must always carry His heart.
As Lana and Courtney continue to dive into the wealth of scriptures on wisdom, they look at Proverbs 3, which teaches how wisdom brings refreshment, healing and prosperity. His Word and wisdom will carry us through the unfamiliar places, and when we saturate ourselves in it, we will see good fruit in our lives. This means surrender to His timing and ways, but the key is intimacy with Him in whatever we do. There is so much more available to us when we live in a place of wisdom and not lean on our own understanding. He loves to lavish His wisdom on us: to teach us and guide us and come alongside us, and tend to our hearts.
In Psalm 32:8-9 God is inviting us into His wisdom. In this season, the Lord is teaching us to operate in a new way of wisdom. He is stretching us and leading us in ways we have not been before. Will we stay in a place of familiarity and comfort or will we step out into what He has for us? In stepping out in wisdom, God also brings forth our own identity. Wisdom becomes a part of us and the character of our heart.
Prov 8:34-36 calls us to long for wisdom, to wait at its door. It also cautions us against disregarding wisdom. It is both an invitation and a warning. In this episode, Lana and Courtney ask, ‘What is your focus? What is your source?’ and they share that our heart’s cry should be to love the Lord and His Word above anything else. This is from where our strength and wisdom comes. As we meditate on Him, resting in His presence, the revelation grows and the lies lose hold. As we wait at wisdom’s door, we come to see that we are partnered with Him, as He leads us into all truth.
In James 3:13 we are called to show our wisdom through our life and deeds. However, this heavenly wisdom is not found in a place of striving, but can only be found in yielding to the place of intimacy with God. As new creations in Christ we are designed for wisdom. We are wired to be a conduit of wisdom, flowing down from heaven. It is the fruit of intimacy and knowing Him. And so, as we allow His wisdom to flow through us — not in arrogance, but in awe and wonder at the privilege of carrying the heart and mind of Christ — we will see it outwork in our lives.
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As Courtney and Lana wrap up the season on Abide, we begin this episode with Jesus saying, ‘I have chosen you…’ Here we see an intertwining of identity. We are chosen for a specific reason. Just as Jesus especially chose His disciples to be His representative on the earth, so He now chooses us. And as we abide in the vine, His heart and our heart become one. Our prayer life overflows because we have confidence that our heart beats with His. Our lives are driven by a Kingdom mindset as we live out ‘on earth as it is in heaven.’ We abide and obey, continually nourished and empowered by His love, bearing fruit that will last.
In this episode, Lana and Courtney discuss the verse where Jesus says, ‘I no longer call you servants but friends…’ and He calls us to follow His commands. This speaks of a deep intimacy, where He reveals His heart from that secret place. It requires an intentionality and responsibility on our part, to remain in Him, the true vine. From there, we trust and obey. We walk closely with Him, listening to His whisper, with a heart posture that says, ‘I will do whatever you have called me to do.’
True joy is a place of thriving that doesn’t depend on our seasons or circumstances. It is a place rooted in relationship and intimacy. It is Christ’s victory complete in us. God is always working for us and through us, so matter what we are walking, it is never hopeless. Like a mother forgetting the pain of childbirth, through His joy, God is redeeming our past seasons of hurt and pain, He is redeeming the forfeited ground. Jesus poured out His joy and love upon us, and has commanded us to love others with that same love. The strength to do this is only found when we let Him love us first. When we bring our questions and needs to Him first, we allow everything else to be put in its proper place.
Jesus calls us to ‘abide in Him.’ But what does it truly mean to abide? What is this love that He has given us, and calls us to love in the same way? Verses 9-10 carry a command, and in this episode, Lana and Courtney remind us that when we can offer only so much, God still delights completely in us. We love because He first loved…and we are completely overtaken and changed by what He gave to us. It is a command, but also an invitation to rest. The times when we are struggling with His love the most are the times we must think about it all the more, for His love will empower us to do what He’s asked us to do.
Lana and Courtney felt prompted by the Lord to record and release a special topic podcast. We hope it blesses you. We will continue with our Abide series in the next release.
There has been a call to ascend higher with the Lord, but that ascension is under attack. In Matthew 11v12 Jesus said, ‘…Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force.’ But what does this mean and how do we outwork it in our everyday lives? In all that we do and in all that comes our way, we must begin from a place of the Lordship of Jesus. It is only from that place we can apprehend the enemy. The more we apprehend (understand) the power of God in us, the more we are able to apprehend (stop) the enemy’s plans. Know Him and know the Word. Keep moving. Eyes on Jesus. Stay humble. Remain as one with Him. God is reminding His people that we are His victorious Bride, and He is calling us to ask the question, ‘What does it look like to live from that ascended place?’
Jesus told His disciples the importance of remaining not only in Him, but in His Word. His Word is the ultimate truth: and so we live and breathe to know Him and hear His voice. When we walk with this singular focus, we bear abundant fruit and grow as mature disciples — and our Heavenly Father is glorified. Join us as Lana and Courtney share some practical tips they’ve learnt through their own walks in how to abide and remain in His Word: both the written Scriptures and the promises He whispers to our hearts.
In this episode, Lana and Courtney get real and honest on the practical outworkings of bearing much fruit. God has chosen to show Himself on the earth through our fruitfulness, and this only comes by abiding. We must remember that the fruit is not produced in our own strength, but is a positional inheritance when we remain in Him. It is a mindset of availability over ability. Even in the pruning and burning there is an invitation: The more we look at Him, the more we become like Him, the more His love flows out of us.
As Lana and Courtney continue to look at John 15, we see the pruning of the vine, not as a bad thing, but as a cleansing — a healing. Jesus said that He has ALREADY CLEANSED us! And when we understand that we are already forgiven and are totally loved, we can enter into a place of intimacy without judgement. This foundational place is important, as our beliefs shape the way we see and respond to Him. Seeing Him as good is how we bear good fruit. So we choose to remain: continually listening, allowing His love to continually grow us deeper into Him.
Season five of our podcast centres on John 15: ‘I am the Vine, you are the branches.’ Join Courtney and Lana as they look at the pruning process through the lens of a loving Father. When we allow Him to be our gardener, He lovingly lifts our branches out of the dirt, so they might bear fruit. In the process, we must remember that God is for us, and He is pruning so that we can commune with Him in deeper ways. It is an invitation to return to first-love fire: to be a people of power and all He has called us to be.
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As Lana and Courtney wrap up the series on Genesis 28, they remind us that through Jesus, we no longer just rely on a visitation, but we are in constant communion with God, with no separation.
There is an invitation for God to live in us. Holiness is an overflow of this indwelling and we move from ascension to consecration. As Jacob set up a pillar to honour God, so we become the pillars. It is here in this moment where Jacob said, ‘the Lord is my God,’ even as he wrestled with the promise. And like Jacob, there is something that is formed in that wrestle, which brings us face to face with the magnitude of what God is speaking. It takes us out of our own strength and into total dependance on God. With a determined heart, we declare that we trust in the truth of His promise.
As Lana and Courtney journey through the story of Jacob’s Ladder, they come to the verse where Jacob declares, ‘Surely the Lord is in this place and I didn’t even know it.’ This shows us that even ordinary places can become holy places. Places where you have an encounter with God that marks you, and from which you don’t want to leave. Encounters where God turns our face towards His and we see Him eye to eye. It is an invitation to focus: to move forward and to move higher with God.
Journey with Lana and Courtney, as they themselves encounter God, even while talking about Jacab’s encounter. In this episode we learn that God’s promise was not dependent on Jacob’s actions, for God declared, “I will…” For He is the great I AM. In Jacob’s brokenness and wayward moments, God reveals His grace, as He is the one who leans in close. And it is there In God’s presence that everything changes. In His presence we can do anything. Through the revelation of who He is, there is birthed a courage and boldness to do all He has asked us to do — a courage to believe in the promise and to dream again.
Lana Vawser and Courtney Kueck discuss verse 14 of Genesis 28. The promise God gave to Jacob in his dream was not just for him, but for the generations. In this new year, God is speaking about legacy and raising up the next generation: a generation who is not weighed down by past religious expectations, but who is also looking to the older generation for guidance. Just as God called Abraham to live face to face with His presence, so should we, as the generations together, make seeking God’s face our priority.
In Jacob’s dream, God reaffirms the promise that He gave to Abraham — and now to Jacob himself — I will give you this land. As we ascend, in 2024, God is calling us higher with Him. God wants to bring us into a place of rest and wonder, in knowing that He is the God who fulfils His promises, not only to us now, but to the generations. In this episode, Lana and Courtney also speak an encouragement to the mothers and grandmothers who have stood and fought for the promises for their families. We should not underestimate the seeds that we plant. As we dive deeper with God, we are building a heritage for the next generation.
Here is the link to the prophetic word Lana mentions in this podcast. It was first released in 2016 and God highlighted it again to Lana recently.
Lana and Courtney begin an exciting new series on the Biblical story of Jacob’s ladder (Genesis 28). They share how Jacob’s dream at Bethel was the beginning of his rebirth and destiny: and they share the spiritual significance of how that relates to us today. The start of 2024 is the beginning of something important. It is a ‘pillow to pillar’ moment, where we — like Jacob — begin to realise who God is and what He is doing around us. There is a new place of rest: the fruit of encounter and transformation, a place of ascension and birthing. God is re-introducing Himself to us in greater ways — to His power, His love and His nature: where the supernatural is going to become even more natural in the coming year.
In the first episode of 2024, Lana Vawser and Courtney Kueck bring us some keys for the new year, and share what God has put on their hearts for the next season. In a place where God’s kairos (appointed time) meets our kronos (time), there is a redemption of so many things. God is restoring His promises. He is calling us to ‘look again’ — to come deeper into His heart and to see things how He sees them. There is a hope and wonder, if only we look now and come up higher!
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Lisa shares with Lana and Courtney some powerful personal testimonies that show how God relentlessly pursues us. The heart of her story is knowing who the Father is and how much He tenderly loves us. With a focus on Him, we can be free to be authentically ourselves. Free to make mistakes, free to be imperfect — because He doesn’t wait for us to get it all together before He uses us. Even when we feel God is far away, He is always there: and there is power in a simple prayer of ‘Help.’ If we look for Him everywhere, we will find Him.
‘Love driven obedience’ is when we can give God our yes because we know His nature: He is kind, He is loving and He is good. When we know this we can say yes, even when the yes is costly. The more we see God —see His true nature — the more we overflow in that yes. The source of our obedience comes from intimacy, and we become driven by devotion. It is then that we can lay down our gifts and calling and discover His plans are so much bigger and better.
Join us as Susana talks about how she learnt to be honest with herself and honest with God. When we are honest, God can go into the broken places. When we are honest, God can show us who we truly are. When we are honest we discover a part of ourselves that we never knew existed and we feel so free. Romans 5 says, ‘While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.’ While we are in our worst possible place, He still loves us, still wants us. We can bring our masks and our mess to Him. The Bridegroom is coming for His bride. He is coming to awaken us to who we are. We will carry His heart, and other people will be awakened by our awakening.
Paul wrote in Romans that God, ‘works all things together for the good.’ The Psalmist declared, ‘I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.’ But how could they say this in the midst of trouble? They trusted in the redemption of the Lord. This is not just the redemption of salvation, or the redemption that we will one day see in Heaven, but the redemptive power that works in our lives now. Redemption that gives beauty for ashes and joy for mourning. In this episode Eloise shares with Courtney and Lana about some real and raw times when she had to intentionally choose to lay down her ashes so God could turn it into beauty. The process is not always easy: sometimes you need to lay the same thing down again and again. In the end, it’s important to remember that the grace and redemption of the Father is not dependent on us, but on Him.
We are who God has made us. A masterpiece. Filled with gifts, talents, hopes and dreams — beyond what we could imagine. Join Lana, Courtney and Jo, as Jo shares some stories about how God took her ‘yes’ and turned it into something incredible. The journey of ‘yes’ is not alway easy. It requires trust. This trust is found in the Secret Place — in that place of intimacy with the Lord. And there you realise it’s not so much about the journey, but about the Secret Place itself.
Living fully alive is a daily conversation of trust with the Father. It is learning to live in intimacy as His daughters, and stewarding what He has given us. As we mature, this intimacy changes and matures also. We lay down old methods and structures to grow into a whole new level of encounter. Sometimes this means practising a thankful posture, even in the midst of difficult circumstances; and giving God the authority, instead of taking control. But when we yield our control to Him, we rise in His authority, knowing He is our firm foundation. Here, we can encourage and strengthen others without competition, calling each other deeper into Christ.
In the first episode of season three, we ask, ‘what does it mean to live as a woman of God, fully alive?’ Roma joins Lana and Courtney to discuss the rhythms of life and how God is changing the way we work, so we can rest while still producing. We look at how seasons of rest are just as important as seasons of productivity: and ask who are we when we aren’t producing. Is our identity tied to what we do? They also share some practical tips on how to operate from that place of rest, and encourage us to find the purpose in the little, beautiful things God puts around us.
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Join Courtney, Lana and Katherine, as Katherine shares her heart for a life of worship. Worship is a foundational place of transformation. Living a life of worship is sometimes a sacrifice, but where there is sacrifice, there is always a response from heaven. Through this, we acknowledge His Lordship, and understand that He becomes our protector. This brings peace as we discover God delights in providing for us. He calls us to surrender so that every part of our lives are transformed. He brings His Bride into alignment with Him, so that we live from a place of overflow, and come to the revelation of God’s true, loving nature.
Our Journey is about love. To always be in pursuit and always be pursued. God’s view of love is different to our worldly view. He wants to take us to a higher maturity of what true love looks like. Do we choose to keep our bridal covenant with God, or do we covenant with the things of this world and the lies we believe? Maturity is a life of all in abandon: saying I’m not living for myself, but living for Him. This maturity is the beauty of the Bride, reflecting the beauty of the King.
Sarah is real and raw as she shares from her journey in living daily as the Bride. When we say, ‘I’m unworthy…I’m not good enough…’ God says, ‘I am the I AM.’ It is HIS voice we must listen to, not the voice of the accuser. Sometimes we struggle with God’s love, yet the struggle is not with Him, but within ourselves. He holds us, safe and secure, until we finally come to a resolution that His love is the only answer to our every question. He is the safe place in the chaos. Our devotion is developed in these moments: and as we move forward, we invite others into His embrace too.
As He is present, and we are in Him and He is in us, everything we need is provided. In that place of freedom we find love, we find healing, we find our voice. As we find our identity as the Bride, and be who we are created to be, this allows our children to be themselves. Knowing our identity allows our children to find their own expression. Learning to be the Bride is sometimes an unlearning of other things first. Do we turn to our Heavenly Father for help or do we act out of our own insecurities and try to do it ourselves? We must remember that He loves us, always, and He loves our children more than we ever could.
Join Lana and Courtney as they share and discuss what is on the Lord’s heart for the hour that we are in. As we have crossed over into the Hebraic new year of 5784, Lana and Courtney unpack the word of promises fulfilled and discuss what it looks like to stand in the place of occupying within His heart.
As we live in a place of deep intimacy with God, we begin to take on His fragrance. We smell like Him, we look like Him, because we are near to Him. Yet, the focus of the fruit of this is not to do things for God, but to be ministering unto Him and living in His heart. We are held in the spotlight of His gaze. His love. We may feel like hiding, but when we truly understand these moments of encounter, it changes everything. His love becomes a foundation, a conviction that says, “His gaze over me is love. He adores me!” This fortifies us to go forth into the greater works He has for us, knowing these works do not determine our identity. Then, in turn, our own gaze shifts to Him, and we declare, “I refuse to look away!”
Join us as Emma shares her heart on how we, as the Bride of Christ, are created to reflect Jesus. We are pure because He is pure. Worthy because He is worthy. Righteous because He is righteous. He is a creative God, and His creativity lives in us. He is our foundation. We walk through this life, not in our own strength, but out of an overflow of who He is.
Candice shares from personal experience how to navigate the ups and downs of everyday life, while still staying pure as the Bride of Christ. The challenge is to keep our hearts tender: but there is an invitation to allow Him to prove Himself to us in that place of refining, as He reveals His true nature. To pursue Him and allow Him to pursue us. In a world of comparison, we are to live in a place where His voice is the loudest.
We are not just the Bride as individuals, but as the collective Body of Christ. We are each created to release the fragrance of God wherever we go, and however that may look like. In this episode Rebekah shares how God spoke into her identity as the Bride of Christ and how the little, unseen things in her life matter. Jesus is calling us to make ourselves ready, by living in a place of His purity, consecration and holiness. He is calling us to be set apart, to stand out from the world and reflect who He is. When He speaks into our lives, the things of the world naturally fall away. When we learn more of who we are, we live in the identity of the Bride.
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As the Shulamite Bride’s focus shifts from herself to her Bridegroom-King, her garden continues to blossom and grow. Even in her imperfection, we see a beautiful transformation taking place, bringing forth fragrant fruits for her Beloved. And so as we journey deeper in Christ, He delights in the fragrant fruits of our lives.
The Shulamite has now become pure and complete. As a bride and mother, she now carries the word and heart of her king. A shift has come and the Bridegroom-King is wooing others through her. What a privilege it is that we get to carry our Beloved’s heart, words and His nature, as His life flows through us. We now carry that same love to awaken and empower others. All his desires are complete in us, and we are never to be separated again
Learning to live in God’s Kingdom and to walk in His identity is a lifetime journey. It’s a never ending process of purification, going deeper and deeper. Often this process can be painful, but as hard and unglamorous as it is, it’s where the power to set us free really comes from. If we want to be living in purity, we have to walk through it. Remember though: We don’t strive to become the pure bride — we already are. We are not a victim — we are walking from a place of victory.
We so enjoyed recording this podcast and felt such power in its message that we couldn’t wait to release it. We are breaking from the Song of Songs to share it with you, but the Shulamite will be back next week.
What do we do when we encounter a wilderness season — that dark night of the soul — where we feel God is nowhere to be found? Lana and Courtney share how their own hard seasons drew them into deeper intimacy with the Lord. They, like the Shulamite, were driven by devotion to “find the one their heart loves.”