Like arrows in the hands of a warrior

are the children of ones youth.

Psalm 127:1

God is raising up mothers in this hour. Like Deborah, who proclaimed, ‘I arose a mother,’ they are rising up in greater ways as the watchmen over their homes (Proverbs 31:27). They stand arm-in-arm and shoulder-to-shoulder: as they train, equip, guide, disciple, protect and empower their children and the next generation. 

This company of praying, prophesying, bold mothers are arising all across the earth: encouraging one another, sharing the revelation the Lord has placed on their hearts, and sharing what the Lord is doing amongst them. 

This is a space for the Holy Spirit to gather the mothers into a place of community and empowerment, as they arise in the earth in this hour. 

It’s time to make room for the mothers all across the globe.

Lana Vawser

I saw the Holy Spirit doing a deep work in the hearts of many mothers with children, and spiritual mothers in this season.
Candice Shaw

Candice Shaw

My prayer is for every mother reading this word that the Lord would put a fire for His Word, His pillars in your heart.

Susana Taumoepeau

Close your eyes, lean back into My arms and rest your head on my chest. Listen carefully to My heart beating for you, and let Me pour into you.