Dear Mothers,
A resounding divine call beckons us to rise as vigilant gatekeepers over our homes — an unwavering invitation to stand united and wield authority over the spiritual atmosphere that envelops our families. This is more than a call to rise; it is an invitation to shape destinies and cultivate legacies that resonate through eternity.
Recognising that we are more than nurturers — we are leaders — let us disciple our little ones, grounding them in the knowledge that victory is already secured by Jesus. The time to answer this call and shape a generation is now. Our mission is clear: to cultivate a new legacy through training, equipping, guiding, protecting, and empowering our children. We’re building up a generation that follows Jesus’s teachings: who have a close relationship with our Lord and Saviour, and know their identity in Christ.
In the quiet corners of our homes, this cultural revolution is stirring. We’re pioneers, reclaiming territories for the Kingdom of God. Our children aren’t just absorbing knowledge; they’re becoming bearers of mighty works: a testament to the empowerment they receive within our homes.
As we start each day with a deliberate surrender of every area of our hearts to God — acknowledging His presence and inviting Him to cleanse and purify our thoughts, emotions, and intentions — let’s make this an open invitation to the watchful eyes of our little ones.
In every moment, we have an opportunity to teach our children to pay attention to the choices made, the words spoken, and the thoughts entertained: inviting God into these moments, asking for His guidance and strength to align all actions with His purity. Our children will not only learn to model a walk with Jesus, but also become equipped to engage in spiritual warfare with courage, deflecting the fiery darts of the enemy and standing unshaken in the face of adversity. The darkness will hold no dominion over them, as they witness us mothers, leading by example and invoking the authority bestowed upon us.
In the midst of life’s challenges, we wield the most powerful weapon — His word. As we stand firm on the promises of God and declare His goodness over our lives, this becomes an anchor in turbulent times, fostering resilience and unwavering faith. We can teach our children to find solace in the assurance that God’s Word is a source of strength, comfort, and guidance.
The Lord gave me a vision. I saw that anything that was not of Him would fall away, and all that would remain is His truth. He showed me an image of a woman with her eyes looking up towards heaven and the words written were, ‘The Expectation of Mothers.’ This year, with our eyes set on Jesus, we must walk as though we are not of this world. We are citizens of a kingdom that can not be shaken. Our minds fixed on Him and His truth, not on circumstance or what is happening around us, our faith will be strengthened (as per Hebrews 11). We must be hopeful for things we do not yet see, as Sarah received the promise because she considered Him faithful who had made the promise. This year, as we set our eyes above, on Jesus — with pure expectation of His faithfulness, goodness and promises — His truth will prevail in our lives as we declare His word over ourselves and our families, and abide in His presence.
This younger generation will be marked by a profound connection with Jesus. Fostered by us mothers, who prioritise the secret place, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide our every step. Whether we invite our children to embark on a powerful prayer walk around our streets, participate in reverent worship, join us in the quiet sanctuary of the secret place, intercede for a friend facing illness, or lend their helping hands to meet community needs — we have the opportunity to show them that they play a crucial role no matter their age.
And thus, a new generation emerges, shaped by us mothers who comprehend the profound significance of our role as spiritual gatekeepers. Standing united, unwavering in our commitment to raise a generation who walks in the fullness of their authority, we are transforming our homes into sanctuaries of influence and nurturing a legacy that echoes throughout eternity.