My Beloved Daughter,
YOU are My Beloved! You are My Masterpiece! You are My song!
There is no one else who contains the perfect essence of you! For I designed you with purpose and with intention! And I have called you, BEAUTIFUL!
I know every intimate detail of you, every self-named spot and blemish, and yet, to me, you have no flaw!
I want you to know that you are seen! Not just the face that you present on your best days, but also the one who sits with running tears. When you think no one else is watching and no one knows your inner turmoil, I SEE! Your tears I have captured, and I weep when you weep! My presence is so close, and it is my arms that you feel! In these seasons, come rest your head on Me! For I am your peace, and I am your resting place.
Let me refresh your spirit and refill your cup. Come dance within the spotlight of my gaze. Remember, I SEE you! And in you, I find great delight.
You, My beautiful one, ravish My heart! Don’t you know how your worship moves me? I am truly undone when you abandon yourself in adoration! Just one look, just one glance…
You captivate me, and I want to draw you closer still! Into the place where your heart beats with mine. Together, we are a mystery of Heaven. You in Me, and I in You! I created you for My heart.
Do you know that my LOVE for you is ALL encompassing! And without condition! And I am breathing a fresh breath into your spirit, and reminding you of your destiny!
Now, My Beloved, you need to know that I have given you a voice! A voice that reveals the heart of a Lioness! In the intimate moments of just you and I, your heart has begun to beat with the rhythm of my heartbeat, and the stirring you feel can cause you to rise up higher than you’ve ever been before. Lean in and listen! I will tell you what to say! All I require is your, ‘Yes!’
Let ‘No One’ silence you or steal your confidence! For you were created to declare my Word and break the shackles of darkness! Together, we will see chains break and the voiceless given back their sound!
Breathe me in, and declare Me out!
Breathe me in, and declare Me out!
I want to, again, hear the roar of My Warrior Women!
There are some who have chosen to silence themselves. Who have discounted their call and hidden away their voice. There are others who have been crushed by the enemy and believed in his lie of unworthiness. I need you, My Beloved, to call them out!!! I need you to rise up and speak! To call down My Kingdom onto this earth! To call out destiny over My children! To see and speak of the gold I, Myself, have deposited!
For, together, we will see chains break and the voiceless given back their sound!
Come closer to Me, My Love, and breathe Me in! If you have been voiceless, then it’s time to be heard! And if you have been silent, then it’s time to come forth!!!
Rise up, oh beautiful one!
You are now appointed and chosen!
For such a time as this, I am raising you up, to Roar with wisdom, and to Roar with My authority. Keep your heart and mind fixed firmly upon Me, the Author and Perfecter of your faith. I will faithfully direct your path and take you into things yet seen!
Trust Me! And Speak!
Your Heavenly Father