I saw the Holy Spirit doing a deep work in the hearts of many mothers with children, and spiritual mothers in this season.
I saw a company of mothers who were on their knees and they were crying out to the Lord. There was desperation in their prayers, cries of hunger to know Him more: for greater encounters, cries for breakthrough in family and restoration and healing in the lives of their children. Many tears were cried over children both young and older. Many were also crying out from a place of deep weariness over the busyness of life and the pains of this season of stretching.
In this vision Jesus approached these mothers one by one, and with such tenderness and love, He caressed their cheeks and spoke, “I have heard your cries, I have heard your prayers, and great breakthrough is before you. As you have positioned yourself before Me, with a heart of hunger and surrender, I am meeting with you. I am taking you into depths you have never known. In these deep places of intimacy you will be strengthened, you will be refreshed and much will be restored to you. You have been faithful in your mothering and have given much. I have seen the sacrifices, I have seen how you have loved. I have seen the cost and the pain and tears at times that no one sees. As you have released a mother’s blessing to your children (also sons and daughters of the faith) great blessing is coming to you. An honouring, a celebrating, a refreshing from My heart to yours. Man may have not noticed your faithful sowing, but I have noticed. Mothers are coming into great harvest in this season, as I bring restoration to those mothers who have felt like they have lost and sacrificed much. Heavenly quakes of breakthrough will surround you, that will break open spaces and areas where deep encounter, breakthrough, provision and healing will come to you. As you press into Me and allow My Spirit to lead you into deeper realms and encounters, you will no longer feel like you are running on empty. You will no longer feel you are scraping from the bottom of the barrel. Where you have felt you have been stretched for time, I will release double to you in shorter amounts of time. I am going to meet with many of you in prophetic dreams and much will be released to you. You will begin to feel you are living out of the overflow that is found in Me, rather than out of ‘just enough’. A shift is taking place over you!”
Huge harvests are coming to mothers in this season. What you have sowed in obedience, what you have sowed in faith, I saw an abundant harvest coming to you. The Lord is bringing great favour and blessing over you. Your baskets will be FULL and OVERFLOWING.
I saw mothers beating hard ground over and over again through their prayers. Their prayers for their children and their own lives. They had not given up in their faithful intercession, and the Lord was now bringing great increase on mothers as they pressed in and were breaking new ground — moving in greater authority in their intercession. Heavenly hammers were being picked up all around that were going to SMASH through the hardest of hard ground and see living water spring from the driest places. The mothers have paved the way and their prayers have etched wells for the miraculous to spring forth and are going deeper into intercession in this season to protect and break new ground for the generations.
The Lord highlighted to me mothers with young children to young-adults, and I saw the enemy coming against many of these children attempting to kill their dreams, squash their creativity and hinder their giftings. The warrior mothers were arising in prayer, fighting in the spirit for their children, and the Lord was releasing greater insight into the calling and giftings over their children’s lives. As they prayed and declared that which the Lord was revealing, I saw children to young-adults all across the body of Christ being positioned for encounters and prophetic dreams: where THEY SEE His heart and plans for their lives and they are beginning to move into greater heavenly understanding and encounters with Him in this season.
The Lord is honouring the prayers of mothers. Many have been crying many tears of their children, many have felt like they have come to a place where they don’t know what to do anymore. In this season, as the mothers continue to press in, I saw the Lord releasing STRATEGY to mothers for their children that is going to bring specific and long awaited breakthrough into their lives. I saw children being healed in the multitudes. Freedom was coming to their children, from young children to adults. Freedom and healing was exploding all around, sudden turnaround miracles were occurring as these mothers implemented the strategies of heaven, strategies of His heart and MIRACLES were beginning to take place in huge unexpected ways. I felt the Lord’s heart of encouragement for mothers to not give up. Do not give up praying for your children. The Lord is honouring your prayers and there is a point of breakthrough for mothers right now as they keep standing. Prodigals are returning home in the multitudes.
I heard cries from the hearts of women who were longing to be mothers, and for whatever reason were having issues conceiving. I saw angels being released all over the earth carrying babies. I have felt the Lord’s heart for those trying to conceive on and off this year but with no breakthrough being seen. Today, I felt the Lord encouraging these women to not give up. Those who are about to throw in the towel, do not give up. There are supernatural miraculous conceptions taking place.
I saw mothers arising all across the body of Christ, with refreshed strength, greater clarity, fresh vision, a greater boldness, yet a deeper compassion and tenderness of God carried in their heart. I saw the Lord specifically positioning mothers in this season to begin to release His comfort, His nurture, His healing and His truth at deeper levels. There is a beautiful move of the Spirit being released through mothers right now, as they press in and live surrendered in their families and all across the body of Christ.
I felt the emphasis of the Holy Spirit over mothers: That the enemy has stolen much from many mothers, he has worked hard to hinder the mothers, but NO MORE. There is a freedom, breakthrough and strengthening happening right now into mothers all across the body of Christ: that not only will bring great breakthrough into households, but right across the body of Christ, releasing a new impartation and demonstration of the comfort, nurturing and healing of God.
Warrior mothers are arising. Warrior mothers are arising, fighting for their children in their prayers. Warrior mothers who are standing in the One who fights for them and their children. And the mothers have, and are, paving the way for some of the greatest demonstrations of His breakthrough and supernatural restoration and healing to the children they love, care for and nurture.
Mothers, it’s your time to arise!