Daughter of Destiny,
As I prayed over you I sensed, ‘It’s time for your light to break forth like the dawning of a new day!’ I heard the Lord say: I am streaming through you the light of My glory. The eyes of your understanding will be enlightened and you will know what it means to move from strength to strength and glory to glory. I am releasing through you waves of fresh insight and revelation for this very hour, and waves of new wine that will stand the test of time.
For some, you feel it’s been a long time coming. Today I want to encourage you, the time has now come! I sense that all of heaven is announcing:
‘Who is this woman? She is like the sunrise in all of its glory. She is as beautiful as the moon. She is as bright as the sun. She is as majestic as the stars travelling across the sky.’ Song of Songs 6:10 (NIRV)
Beloved, that is you! How strikingly brilliant is the glory light of Christ that shines… through you! As you gaze deep into His eyes of fire, revelation light bursts forth from you to ignite the fire for Jesus within those around you. Even the bleakness of their darkest hour is dispelled and disappears, as you reflect Him.
I heard the Lord calling you:
‘Daughter, awake and arise! IT’S SHINE TIME!’
This is the hour to come out from hiding. I heard the Lord say to you, ‘I am moving you from the hidden place to greater dimensions of the secret place. I am bringing you out from behind the rock, I am repositioning you, sure-footed upon THE ROCK.’
Some of you have felt like you have been hidden under a rock, but I heard the Lord say: ‘I have hidden you in the cleft of the rock.’
‘Now it’s time to come forth and stand, firmly planted in the eternal promises of My Word, for I AM your rock.
‘I am unveiling the raw beauty of my bride. I am raising you up to display my splendour!’
Daughter, get ready, the Lord is empowering you to emerge from the confines of the status quo; to rise above unbelief; to step out of the place of lack; to now embrace the faith-filled promise of Philippians 4:13, ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’
Daughter, I see you:
‘Breaking free’ from the shackles of your past, no longer shrinking back, hiding and not being heard.
‘Breaking through’ to a place where Holy Spirit-empowered grace reigns, and deep yielded humility marks your life. I see you living firmly grounded and rooted in the deep well of His safe love, in pure adoration for the lover of your soul.
‘Breaking into’ a life of victory, resting assured in the truth that in Him you live and move and have your being. This is a place of living in greater maturity, rocking your new creation royal identity as daughter, and ambassador of the King.
I see you taking your place clothed in the armour of light, advancing the Kingdom of God in your family, community and throughout nations, as you fiercely wield the sword of the Lord, declaring the word of God.
Daughter I see you breaking out of a contained place; positioned to lead and govern, with God-given authority.
I sense the delight in the heart of the Father this day. His face shines upon you, daughter, as you have gone low in humility and deep into intimacy: cultivating covenant oneness with Him. He invites you to take your seat at the right hand of the Father (Ephesians 2:6) to take dominion, and co-rule and reign, with Christ.
Daughter of Destiny… Your King has summoned you by name.
Awake and arise. It’s SHINE TIME!
As I continued to pray over you, I heard the sound of ‘mantles merging.’ This is the sound of the Women of Zion, as we all lock shields in fierce unity as the Warrior-Bride, boots and all.
I saw angel-armies fly in, fall in-line: front-line ready! The fall of the sword by the Commander of Hosts signalled their dispatch. They are assigned to see Jesus, the hope of glory, pierce the darkness, as He shines… through you.
I heard the Lord say: ‘It is time for turn around!’ The strong sense of, ‘It’s war time,’ reverberated throughout my being. I saw the Invincible Commander of heaven’s hosts move His hand — ever so slightly — with all encompassing power… to turn the tide. The shift from what was meant for evil in your life, now turned for good.
The atmosphere was charged with, know this: ‘You, Warrior Daughter, are not alone!’
As this drops, I sense the second heaven and the earth shake under the weight of Kingdom authority! His command shakes and breaks strongholds off your lineage and the generations to come.
Together… with King Jesus and angel-armies, we thwart the evil plans the enemy had to take-out God’s daughters, and we cheer you on, as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah roars over you, and you are raised up to reign.
Together… we take down enemy lines, as we establish new song-lines of wild worship to the Lord.
Together… we annihilate enemy plots for generational ruin, as we decree blessings for a thousand generations across our family lines.
He says: ‘Daughter, lean in to your Beloved, and watch me turn your ruin to reign!’
The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armour of light.’ Romans 13:12
‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.’ John 1:5
‘Arise [from spiritual depression to a new life], shine [be radiant with the glory and brilliance of the Lord]; for your light has come, And the glory and brilliance of the Lord has risen upon you.’ Isaiah 60:1 (Amp)