As I prayed for you, woman of God, I heard the Lord say, ‘Don’t just look down, but also look up.’ 

And as He said this, I immediately saw a picture of a woman going deep into the Word with her head down, reading the Scriptures and feasting on the word of the Lord.

And this, of course, is an excellent thing and something that must always be done. However, I saw that women were also using this as an excuse to hide away from the evils of this world.

And I sense the Lord saying that it is time for Him to raise up the warrior within you. To not be afraid to stand tall and walk out of that secret place, wearing your armour and being a strong voice to the people around you.

As I sensed this, the Lord reminded me of the sons of Issachar (1 Chronicles 12:32). These amazing men of God in Scripture were said to know the timings and seasons of the Lord. However, an aspect that set them apart was that they didn’t just know the Scripture; they could discern the times by looking at the signs in the sky and around them.

And I hear the Lord say, ‘Child, how will you know the timings and seasons if you don’t look up? You are strong now in your spirit, for I have made you an oak of righteousness (Is 61:3). And so, now it is time also to look up. It is time for you to look at the world around you and discern and uncover the signs that I have placed in the natural realm that reveals the supernatural. You shall be a catalyst for My kingdom invading the physical when you see this. And it will also give you more insight into the strategies I have in place right now to reveal My glory to those who cannot see. And you will become My eyes, not just for those who live in darkness, but also for those who are in the light and have hidden themselves away for fear of what is happening right now. This is part of my strategy, to see you rise up and discern what is happening around you so that you may be a warrior for My Kingdom, standing on the front lines. So my child, be strong, look down and draw deep from My Word, but also look up, and you will see the coming of My glory in these days!’

Psalm 121:1-2 NIV
I lift up my eyes to the mountains, where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.’

Luke 21:28 KJV
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.’

So, daughter, get ready. I see the Word shining in you, ready to burst forth from your spirit and lips…

I see the strength and life I have poured into you, bringing the confidence needed to be the warrior bride in this hour…

I see you coming out of the secret place, where you have felt loved and protected, wearing new armour and carrying a supernatural strength that makes you unbeatable on the battlefield… 

And I see you living from that place of intimacy, your head down in prayer, your spirit in the quiet, pouring over My promises for you and those around you…

And then I see you look up and look out, carrying supernatural revelation as you read the signs around you prophetically and accurately. You will understand and have wisdom and knowledge from the Heavenly realm for your assignment. 

And you will know in your spirit what needs to be prayed, what needs to be declared, what needs to be spoken, and what needs to be actioned…

Woman of Zion — it’s time to look up!