This week, I heard the words “stirrings of silencing.” I asked the Lord what He was saying and I felt the Lord saying that there is a BATTLE over the voice right now. There is a significant increase of anointing right now upon those that the Lord has anointed to speak, and they have been facing quite an intense opposition in different areas in the last week. I could hear many asking the question, “What is going on? This is crazy.” I heard the Lord say, “These are not natural occurrences. These are not natural circumstances at play, these are the stirrings of silencing. The enemy is attempting to silence those that I am leading into a waterfall of increase of anointing on their voice. ” I heard the Lord say, “They will NOT BE SILENCED,” and immediately in the Spirit I heard the ROAR of the lion of Judah being released OVER them and THROUGH them. As He roared, EVERYTHING shook. Nothing was left untouched. The Lord then said, “In the reverberation of My Roar — EVERYTHING CHANGES.”
I watched as His ROAR was being released powerfully over each one that was facing this level of “stirrings of silencing” to hinder, muzzle and silence their voice and His roar from within them. As the reverberation of His Roar was released over them, each reverberation of His Roar — over each one — contained a RHEMA WORD that was specifically for them and for this moment in their lives: and it was ALL CONNECTED to destiny. As the reverberation of His Roar was released containing His Rhema word, His Word THUNDERED over them and BROKE the “stirrings of silencing.” It BROKE the attack to steal their voice and silence them and it delivered them from the battle. It was a SUDDENLY!!! ”The voice of the Lord is upon the waters; the God of glory thunders; the Lord is upon many (great) waters. The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.” Psalm 29: 3-4 (AMP)
I was left in awe again of what happens when He speaks. What happens when His voice and His Roar comes forth. One word, one Roar out of His mouth changes everything. The Lord said to me, “Lana, this is all about the next step of destiny that I have and am leading them into. This is about the next realm of destiny and increase of anointing that I am positioning them in. This is about the assignments that I have given them in this hour: these new assignments that are going to USHER IN MY GLORY. As they speak and as My Roar is released through them, they are ones that are making way for Me. They are speaking and roaring and heralding the coming of My Glory. The enemy has targeted these ones so intensely because of the purity in which they walk and the intimacy in which they live. They are carrying the PURE word of My mouth and they carry the PURE, unadulterated words of My heart. But these “stirrings of silencing” have attempted to steal their voice and shut them down; but as I see it, this attack of the enemy has only added to them, for I am now leading them into ‘MY STIRRINGS IN THE SILENCE.’
“In the secret place these ones are going to begin to receive revelation, divine strategy and the secrets of My heart in exponential ways. They are going to experience the greatest stirrings of My Spirit in the secret place, in the revelatory realm that is going to see them release My Roar in such power that will bring HEALING wherever I call them to release My Word. For MANY of these precious ones have been hit with infirmity, and the enemy has come in this attack because of the HEALING that I am going to release through them AS THEY SPEAK. As they sit in the silence with Me in the secret place, I am going to lead them deep into My waters of healing. The healing anointing upon them shall increase so dramatically and intensely, that as they arise and speak — as they arise and use their voice and release My Words — a mighty wave of My healing water, My living water, My healing power, My Holy Spirit will be released through them to bring HEALING to people, to city, to regions and nations. They are arising with fire, swords, shofars and a loud ROAR of My heart and authority, in their mouths.
“I am also leading these ones into depths of the ocean of My Spirit in their dream life, where they are going to receive even greater strategy and divine intel for the days ahead. In the silence of their rest and their sleep, I am bringing INCREASE of divine revelation. Some of the most profound encounters with Me and My ROAR and My supernatural realm are going to be entered into in the night hours. For many have been hearing the enemy tell them, ‘You are remaining in a dark hour, there is no breakthrough, there is no shift.’ But I AM SAYING the NEW DAY has dawned. I am going to release such divine strategy, secrets of My heart and revelation IN THE NIGHT HOURS — as they sleep — that it will see them release some of these secrets of My heart out of their mouths, and see BREAKTHROUGH released in the areas I send them to release My Roar.”
I also saw many of these precious children of God entering into SIGNIFICANT deliverances in the night hours as they sleep. I saw many in the day crying out to the Lord, “Deliver me, set me free from these attacks, from this heaviness, from these things that are ailing me and weighing me down.” And I saw the Lord delivering many in the place of REST as they SLEEP. I heard the Lord saying, “what has plagued you for months and years, I will do in BUT A MOMENT. You will go to bed one way and wake up COMPLETELY different. That is the moment you are in.”
“The stirrings of silence came to attempt to steal your voice, but I am saying to you, in the reverberation of My Roar over you, My voice is THUNDERING. I am delivering you and raising you up in this hour like never before, to herald My Word with power and authority. It’s time for a monumental increase of MY ROAR from within you.”