This week, I heard the Lord speaking over many daughters, ‘I am bringing you forth, refreshed and restored, here is your comeback.’ That word ‘comeback’ was very loud as the Lord spoke it.
As I leaned in and listened to what was on the Lord’s heart, I heard 1 Peter 5:8-10:
‘Be well balanced and always alert, because your enemy, the devil, roams around incessantly, like a roaring lion looking for its prey to devour. Take a decisive stand against him and resist his every attack with strong, vigorous faith. For you know that your believing brothers and sisters around the world are experiencing the same kinds of troubles you endure. And then, after your brief suffering, the God of all loving grace, who has called you to share in his eternal glory in Christ, will personally and powerfully restore you and make you stronger than ever. Yes, he will set you firmly in place and build you up.’ (TPT)
‘Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour. But resist him, be firm in your faith [against his attack—rooted, established, immovable], knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being experienced by your brothers and sisters throughout the world. [You do not suffer alone.] After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace [who imparts His blessing and favor], who called you to His own eternal glory in Christ, will Himself complete, confirm, strengthen, and establish you [making you what you ought to be].’ (AMP)
I then heard the Lord say:
‘“Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit.” I am blowing My breath, My resurrection life and power over your life right now and causing you to ascend out of the ashes and causing you to come up higher. I am CAUSING YOUR COMEBACK, NOW. For many of you have been in a battle that you have felt has almost knocked you down completely, but no weapon formed against you shall prosper and NOW is the time for you to arise. For I am bringing you forth by MY POWER, refreshed and restored. No longer shall many of you know the weariness that has held you down. No longer shall many of you know the fear and brokenness that has caused you to hide and pull away. For I am breathing LIFE back into you. I am reintroducing you to My power and I am restoring ALL. I am bringing you forth in STRENGTH, and you shall know the fortification and restoration that comes by My Spirit to ESTABLISH you again.
‘I am establishing you again in physical strength, for many of you have been weary in body as the battle has raged upon your life. I am bringing you forth into My healing and you shall know MY strength in your body in the days to come. For the enemy has come against many of your bodies to weary you, and there has been a spirit of weariness that has attempted to stop you from moving into all that I have for you — but I am thundering over you, ‘YOU ARE HEALED!’ By My mighty hand I am breaking off the spirit of infirmity that has plagued many of you. I am breaking off the trauma that has affected your physical bodies. I am breaking off the constant cycle of sickness that many of you have been facing, and bringing you into MY CYCLE of strength to strength and life to life: My abundant life.
‘Watch in the coming days how the POWER of My breath and resurrection life over your bodies will bring strength and life back into your physical being. There is a divine COMEBACK in your body by My power and Spirit into you — to walk HEALED and WHOLE. Many of you have been looking at this year ahead with weariness and wondering how you shall go through this year with the battle in your bodies, but I say unto you “COME UP HIGHER,” raise your expectation in faith, for I am BREAKING the battle over your body and in 2024 YOU SHALL KNOW NEW STRENGTH.
‘Daughters of God, I am birthing in you a RESOLVE by My Spirit. As you continue to yield to Me and depend on Me, I am birthing within you a RESOLVE of faith that you have not known. I am igniting the fire of faith within you again. Hope deferred, dashed and broken dreams, broken hearts, and heaviness will no longer hinder your faith. Receive right now, the fire of My presence re-igniting FAITH within you in the revelation of MY NATURE and My goodness. I am RESTORING your roar.
‘For many of you have abdicated your authority because of weariness and trial, but I am RESTORING YOU. I am calling you up higher and it is MY SPIRIT that is filling you, refuelling you and strengthening you, and repositioning you again to arise in who you are in Me and ALL that I have for you.
‘For the time has come for you to live from the ascended place like never before. I am bringing you deeper into who you are and all I have for you in 2024. For many of you have resolved yourselves to brokenness, to struggle, to the thought, “this feels like it will never end.” But I say unto you, I am bringing you into a NEW DAY, and it will NOT be the same as you have experienced before. This is your comeback.
‘I am restoring your vision.
I am restoring your hope.
I am restoring your voice.
I am restoring your strength.
I am restoring your dreams.
I am restoring your faith.
I am restoring your hearing.
I am restoring your heart.
I am restoring your mind.
I am restoring your body.
‘For I am bringing you higher into your authority. I am moving you from living on the defence to living on the offence.
‘Daughters of God I am bringing you up higher. I am calling you higher. ARISE AND DECIDE to apprehend all that I have promised you and am speaking to you.’
I then heard the words loudly in the Spirit:
As I heard those words, I leaned in further to hear what the Lord was saying, and I heard the Lord speak:
‘Do NOT tolerate what has held you down, shaken you around, stolen from you and kept you bound. I am releasing My fire over you now as you ARISE AND DECIDE to no longer tolerate what has assaulted you for so long. Not only am I bringing you into a breakthrough of breakthroughs, I, by My Spirit, am causing you to ascend as you DECIDE. As you lift up your eyes in faith, lift up your eyes in high praise, as you set your mind on things of above (Colossians 3:2) I am causing you to ASCEND. I am birthing a fire within you of NO TOLERATION. No longer will you live “under,” I am raising you to “RISE ABOVE.” I am bringing you further into victory.
‘As you praise Me and live in high praise, raising your banners and raising your flags in high praise and worship unto Me, you are PREPARING THE WAY FOR MY GLORY! (Psalm 24) I am coming as the King of Glory. I am coming as Yahweh, armed and ready for battle. The Mighty One, the invincible commander of heaven’s hosts. I am coming as the Warrior King, THROUGH YOU!
‘I will lead you into greater discernment and divine intel in 2024, as you RESOLVE AGAIN AND BEHOLD ME. I am bringing you, My daughters, into a level of divine intel and intercession to partner with Me in governing in the earth in ways you have not known. I am raising up My warrior, wartime daughters: My wartime intercessors, to partner with Me in prayer and intercession to see My Glory come and My justice manifested.
‘My daughters, as the enemy has tried to keep so many of you “under” in this season, I am causing you to ascend and to govern with Me: and I shall use you to release MY HEAVENLY JUSTICE in the earth, and My heavenly alignments come into manifestation through your intercession and through your decree. I am inviting you deep into this place and the entry into this place is a narrow place. It’s a place of DEEP humility and yielding: and in the secret place, ministering unto Me, I shall release to you divine intel and strategy that you have not known before — to partner with Me in seeing MY JUSTICE fill the earth. For you to see the gavel of My divine justice move through your intercession and decree.
‘The time has arrived. Do not be afraid to speak. Speak as I cause you to speak, and I will fill your mouths. As you spend time with Me in the secret place, I will give you My heart afresh. I will baptise you afresh in My love. I will cause you to come up higher. It is TIME for you to not only see clearly but to see FURTHER and HIGHER from My perspective.
‘Many of you have felt isolated and felt alone in the battle but there have been many other daughters in the trenches, and now I am GATHERING YOU TOGETHER, to be linked arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder. I am raising up My army of ferocious resolved daughters who live deeply in intimacy with their King — sitting at His feet and ARISING in divine comeback, right now, as MY WARRIORS. My watcher women, it is TIME FOR YOU TO ARISE as a company of women — My warring women of Zion, delivering the message of My Gospel and My Word into the earth.’
‘God Almighty declares the word of the gospel with power, and the warring women of Zion deliver its message: “The conquering legions have themselves been conquered. Look at them flee!” Now Zion’s women are left to gather the spoils.’ Psalm 68:11-12 (TPT)