Recently, I felt the Holy Spirit strongly wanting to encourage and minister to the remnant in this hour. He spoke, ‘Pen these words to the remnant.’ So I sat at my computer and I asked the Holy Spirit to come and speak and His heart flowed. May you encounter Him and His heart deeply as you read:
‘I have seen your tears, I know you are weary, I know the battle has been hard. There have been many days where the pain you have endured is deeper than words can express. The wrestle and the warfare has increased and accompanied with the shift of the season and the new things I am leading you into — you have felt ‘lost’ and ‘out of place’ in many areas. But today I say unto you that you are not lost and out of place: you fit in Me, with Me and in My heart. I know the battle has been long and hard. I know you have felt the loneliest that you have ever felt, but I say unto you that I have been with you each step and closer than you realise. I am bringing you into a tribe you have not known before: but deeper than that, I am bringing you into a greater understanding and awakening of living and being at home in Me.’
‘There is great comfort in My heart for you in this time. There is great healing for you in My heart at this time. There is great freedom and refreshment upon you in My heart at this time. I am reviving you. I am rejuvenating you. And I am bringing you into a time where you will see the tide begin to turn. But the tide will begin to turn in the connection of our hearts together. In oneness you will see first the tide will turn in the weights you have carried. You will come into greater understanding that My yoke is easy and My burden is light. You have become so weary and I am bringing you into a place of refreshment and strength. You have been prepared and you have been fashioned for such a time as this. In this time you will know My TENDERNESS in ways you have not before. You will know the TENDERNESS of My hand to heal, to comfort, to soothe, to empower and deliver. You will know the TENDERNESS of My heart to love. You will know the TENDERNESS of my hand to provide and to enrich.’
‘I have seen your faithfulness to Me and My heart is moved by your faithfulness. Your life is a sweet smelling offering to Me and your worship is a sweet sound to My ears and a life melody that moves My heart. There have been so many times where you have felt you have met FINAL in this season (it’s dead and over) but I say unto you that you are meeting FULLNESS. You have seen so much in the spirit, things I have revealed unto you, but you have waited and cried out and NOW there is a deep unveiling in the natural of what you have been seeing in the spirit. You did NOT hear wrong. You did NOT see incorrectly. For in the stretching, in the carrying of the new thing, in the deep wrestle, in the misunderstanding, I have drawn you closer to My heart, deeper into My arms, and within you I am birthing boldness and strength.’
‘I am healing you, I am strengthening you to run again with Me into the brightest days of My Glory being revealed that you have ever experienced. The darkness tried to take you out again and again in this season and many seasons past. But you are arising now with a new strength, a second wind: a strength and fire of My Spirit and weight of My presence you have not experienced, to SEE My Glory revealed and manifested in and through your life in exponential ways. You’re coming into greater context in this hour. Get ready for FRESH FIRE on your eyes to SEE. Wait upon Me, for greater INSIGHT is coming to you now. The areas where the enemy has contended so strongly against you, I am bringing a turning of the tide. I am also releasing a TIDAL WAVE of My Spirit in these areas, where you will see wave after wave after wave of My Spirit moving: and these places are turning from the most barren, painful and dry places, to the DEEPEST WELLS from which you will drink and others will come and drink from.’
‘When I said it’s your time to thrive, and then in a moment you felt like you were catapulted into a season where you were dying because of the intensity of the enemy’s assaults over your life, I am bringing you into a BOUNTIFUL LAND of thriving and fruitfulness. ALL being restored and provided. You WILL RUN again. My fire has purified, purged and prepared you. Heaviness that has tried to kill you and hinder you is being BROKEN by My roar, and the greatest weight you shall know now is the WEIGHT OF MY GLORY. Many of your days you will sit in silence, you will not be able to move under the weight of My Glory. Beholding My beauty and My Majesty. Hear Me, MUCH will be seen, MUCH will be done and MUCH will be accomplished as you come deeper into this place of stillness in the weight of My Glory.’
‘Prioritise the WAIT and you will see the WEIGHT of My Glory like never before. Your prayers have shifted things, your prayers have changed things: because of your intercession, partnering with My Spirit, MUCH has been shifted, thwarted and broken open. NOW you are entering a deeper season of carrying My heart to intercede and pray in the weight of My Glory. I am entrusting deeper secrets of My heart to you, and as you pray and as you intercede you will see the greatest manifestations of My POWER IN PRAYER that you have ever seen. The enemy would say to you that all your prayers have fallen to the ground, but I say unto you the prayers of a righteous man availeth MUCH and you have entered into the season of seeing the greatest manifestations of answers to prayer and My power demonstrated. You move My heart. Stay close to Me.’