I heard the Lord say:
‘ Here they come, here they come. Can you hear the sound of the army of My daughters, who are arising in this hour with THUNDER IN THEIR STEPS! They have thunder in their steps because they walk in Me and they carry My prophetic voice and they carry My heart. They are consumed with My Word, they are consumed with My fire, they are consumed with My heart. Can you hear the sound of an army arising with THUNDER IN THEIR STEPS? Here they come, arising out of the wilderness leaning upon their Beloved (Songs 8:5). They are not ones who parade My revelation. They are PURE. Their hearts before Me are pure as they live before the audience of One. They are the unapologetic ones. They are the ones that have been through My unrelenting fire and have been CONSUMED (Heb 12:29). They are arising CONSUMED with My fire and NO LONGER contained. They are arising with the pure word of My heart in their mouths and they will NOT be swayed. They are arising in obedience, far from defeat, as they have lived deeply at My feet.
‘Here they come arising in the earth to take authority and dominion for My Kingdom. No longer will they be harassed by the enemy. No longer will they live assaulted by the Jezebelic spirit. For in the secret place they have been trained for war. I have trained their fingers for war and their hands for battle (Ps 144:1). They live so deeply connected to Me, for their greatest desire is to abide. The enemy has screamed at them PAUSE AND RETREAT, and I am speaking over them PUSH AND DEFEAT. It is now time for them to arise in their destiny in greater ways, awakened to My authority within them. And they arise not in arrogance, but in confidence of who I am in them, and who they are in Me.
‘They are not here for their names to be seen. They are not here to parade revelation. They are not here to proclaim prophetic words. They are here to HEAR. Their greatest desire is to know Me and to hear My voice. Watch these ones arise from the wilderness in this hour, and they arise with swords in their mouths. They arise with the sword of My Spirit in their mouths to speak and decree that which is of Me, and to see My Word separate between that which is not of Me and that which is of Me. They come with My Word in their mouths, carrying My heart and declaring My Word that brings the intensity of My voice, the thunderings of My heart, the strong plumbline words of My heart. They will not apologise for what I speak, but they will speak in obedience, declaring My Word with power and authority. MY power and authority that will bring divine alignment and correction, consecration and purity within My Bride: bathed in love, to prepare the way for Me, the King of Glory, to come.
‘ Many will look and may be offended by My Words through them, because it heralds and beckons a deeper dying to self and a deeper surrender to My ways. It calls for the abandonment of the ways of man, and calls My people higher. It calls My people deeper into My heart, and it calls My Bride to arise in the intimacy and authority she is called to walk in: without mixture, without compromise, without idolatry. They arise in this hour not from a place of elitism, but from a place of love for Me and love for My Bride. They are arising with thunder in their steps. It’s thunder in their steps, as it is I that they walk in. Watch My Word flow through them that will cause a trembling at My power and authority. Watch My Word through them that will bring divine order. Watch My Word through them that will make room for My glory. Watch them continue to arise with their mouths full of the heralding declaration that is thundering in the heavens, “MAKE WAY FOR THE KING OF GLORY TO COME IN.” (Ps 24)
‘They will continue to arise in their hour, unapologetic, and not water down My Word for accolade. They will not water down My Word for the applause of man. They will boldly declare My Word with authority and boldness, knowing that it is My Word through them that is going forth. They live deeply in the fear of the Lord and have hearts to serve and love My people, but they will not bow to man, they only live bowed down before Me in awe and wonder.
’For My daughters that I am gathering in this hour and arising as My army are laid down lovers of Me. They are deeply devoted to Me and deeply rooted within My Word. They know Me deeply and they linger in My presence. As they linger in My presence, I am releasing to them the secrets of My heart. Watch the continued increase of groaning intercession that I am birthing within them. These ones are arising in this hour as spiritual midwives to birth in intercession the plans, purposes and divine strategy of My heart for the earth. I am increasing their vision in this hour to see and receive the divine intel of My heart to govern with Me. The cry is being heard all across the earth as they groan in deep travail, “PREPARE YE THE WAY OF THE LORD.”
’Here come My daughters, arising in the earth, bolder and stronger than ever: with thunder in their steps that will send shockwaves into the enemy’s camp. And as they continue to partner with Me in greater realms of intercession, watch and see, watch and see how I am using them to make way for MY GLORY!!!!!’
Lana Vawser