I recognise this is a long prophetic word for the daughters of God, but I encourage you to take the time to read this before the Lord, as I believe the Lord has released keys and impartation within this word. This invitation is available to all the daughters of God: we just must position ourselves to receive what He is releasing through our continual seeking of Him, humility, surrender and yieldedness.
Over the past few weeks, I have been hearing the Lord making decrees over the daughters of God. I had a significant dream a few weeks ago, and the Lord showed me the attack of the enemy that was coming against MANY in the body of Christ right now. The enemy was aiming to ‘constrict,’ to ‘suffocate,’ to hinder revelation, to twist revelation — and was really targeting the place of communion with the Lord. In my dream, I watched as a huge boa constrictor slithered into the ‘prayer room’ and had really come to suffocate, kill, twist, pervert and steal revelation and vision. I watched at the end of the dream as this boa constrictor was killed and the Lord’s victory decreed.
As I have sat with the Lord regarding this dream, I heard the Lord speak.
‘This attack has come against my daughters in significant ways in recent weeks. There has been an intense attack of the enemy to “constrict” them, but I am decreeing that they have entered their season of the greatest unlocking they have ever experienced.’
‘Awake, awake, Clothe yourself in your strength, O Zion; Clothe yourself in your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city; For the uncircumcised and the unclean will no longer come into you. Shake yourself from the dust, rise up, O captive Jerusalem; Loose yourself from the chains around your neck, O captive daughter of Zion.’ Isaiah 52:1-2
I kept hearing the Lord saying over and over, ‘Daughters, BE FREE OF CAPTIVITY.’ There was this strong sense that surrounded me of the FREEDOM of the Lord. This decree of the Lord was a decree that resounded, ‘YOU ARE FREE IN ME.’ The Lord showed me that the enemy is attempting to lie to many of the daughters of God: to cause them to go around ‘the same mountain again’ to keep them bound — but the Lord showed me that He has actually done a deep work in many hearts, and there has been a MAJOR breakthrough of freedom. Yet, the enemy is coming as a slithering lying snake: lying to many daughters of God, causing them to question their previous breakthroughs and freedom.
The decree of the Lord, ‘Daughters, BE FREE OF CAPTIVITY,’ was a reminder of the freedom they have in Christ (John 8:36), the breakthroughs of freedom that have already taken place, and the new levels of freedom that are going to take place.
There is a significant shift taking place over you, daughters of God: a significant awakening of knowing how to clothe yourself in His strength, how to stand, how to war, how to move in greater levels of faith and walk in the strength of the Lord. I heard the Lord say, ‘THE DAUGHTERS OF DISCERNMENT ARE ARISING.’
The enemy is attempting to trap you in fear, trap you in the battle, trap you in deception, lies and twisting truths, because there is a significant birthing taking place upon you as you lean into Him, arising as a DAUGHTER OF DISCERNMENT.
The Lord showed me that there is a significant increase of VISION upon the daughters of God right now. The Lord is inviting His daughters to the table (Psalm 23:5) for such a time as this: to feast on revelation from His heart that is going to bring about a significant UNLOCKING in your life. The ‘constriction’ of the enemy has come to hinder your vision — to stop you from seeing the vision, revelation, direction and insight of the Lord for your life and your season. There is a great ‘twisting’ that the enemy is attempting to bring so you won’t see what He is releasing clearly. The battle over the revelation He is releasing is so intense, because the revelation that the Lord is releasing to you at His table from what He has written and decreed, is ushering you into a level of freedom, vision, purpose, identity and refreshment in ways you have never experienced.
There is a SIGNIFICANT increase in the SEER ANOINTING over the daughters of God right now to SEE what is happening in the Spirit, and move in greater discernment. There is such a significant invitation from the Lord to meet Him at His table to receive a greater impartation of DISCERNMENT. The Lord showed me that as the daughters of God continue to commune with Him, seek Him (Isaiah 55:6, Jeremiah 29:13, Jeremiah 33:3, Deuteronomy 4:29) and continue to ask for discernment (Psalm 119:66), the Lord is releasing powerful DOWNPOURS of DISCERNMENT. And when decreed, prayed into, implemented in the way that He is leading, the Lord is going to be releasing great shifts, birthings, alignments, changes of direction and tipping points in the areas the Lord is releasing the discernment.
I heard the Lord saying over and over, ‘I am about to move powerfully. I am about to move powerfully. I am about to move powerfully, and My daughters are a SIGNIFICANT KEY to what I am about to release. Those that hear My call, those that meet me at the table, those that press through the battle and the constriction will receive greater arrows of DISCERNMENT.’
Instantly a vision opened up before me and I saw the daughters of God like Wonder Women, and they had quivers on their backs FULL of arrows and these arrows were on fire. I watched at the command of the Lord — through the discernment that the Lord was releasing to them — they would grab out an arrow and they would aim it in the direction the Lord was highlighting and they would release these arrows. These arrows represented the discernment, revelation and decree of the Lord. These arrows were being released and the wind of the Holy Spirit was carrying them to the Lord’s intended direction. As the arrows were being fired and hit the targets the Lord was highlighting, there were MAJOR EARTHQUAKES in the Spirit taking place. I could hear the enemy shrieking in fear and terror, and I could hear the decree of the Lord along with angelic hosts being released… ‘BREAKTHROUGH! TIPPING POINT! THE GREAT UNLOCKING TO USHER IN MY GLORY!!!!!’
The atmosphere around me was SO pregnant with His power and His authority, that His daughters were rising up and taking their place. There was a significant increase and awakening of their authority taking place, and that is WHY the enemy has been working SO hard to constrict, muzzle and silence.
Daughters of God, lean in, keep meeting with the Lord at the table (Psalm 23). Don’t allow the battle to ‘CONSTRICT’ and ‘SUFFOCATE’ you, to stop you from intentionally meeting with the Lord. Press through, keep pushing through: the atmosphere is shifting and shaking, and the enemy is terrified because you are taking your place in greater ways than you ever have.
The Lord has DISCERNMENT He is wanting to release to you of the ‘times and seasons,’ discernment of what He is releasing now, what He is doing, what He is saying and what He is decreeing. You are a POWERFUL KEY to UNLOCK and RELEASE the tipping point breakthrough in the areas He assigns to you: to break the hold of the enemy and his attack and see a MAJOR move of God’s Spirit and power flow. To SEE the King of Glory step in, and His glory poured out.
In the releasing of this increase of discernment upon the daughters of God, I felt the Lord say, ‘STAY TRUE TO MY SOUND!!!’ (Revelation 1:12) In the discernment He is releasing, stay true to what He is saying, stay true to the sound of His heart and the sound of His love. The discernment He is releasing is founded in His love, it is grounded in His Word and it is releasing life, purity, hope, realignment and recalibration. It is not releasing death, suspicion or curse words.
For the Lord will confirm His Word to you, and He will give you the strategy of how to pray and how to move forward to partner with His heart to see His intended purpose manifested. Stay true to HIS sound.
Steward the discernment He is giving you with purity, with integrity, with prayer. Move not quickly, but stay in the secret place and allow Him to speak to you regarding what He is releasing. Allow Him to teach you to steward the discernment in the right ways to bring forth His life, breakthrough, healing and outpouring.
Don’t rush to release what He is sharing. For there will be significant secrets of His heart the Lord will open up to you in this season that are not to be shared with others, but for you to carry in your heart, ponder like Mary, and pray through. Some things the Lord will be sharing are things He is wanting to share with His friends. He is looking for friends who will linger, and many daughters of God are moving deeper into this place right now.
Be intentional to ask the Lord to teach you to steward the discernment He is releasing to you. In the secret place, He is training you and teaching you how to steward it and understand it.
For many of you will be called upon to release the discernment of the Lord. The Lord will place great favour upon you, and many will see the anointing of His heart upon you — His purity, His love, His wisdom — and you will be invited to speak what He is releasing. Significant increase of divine strategy is being opened up to you. You will be AMAZED at the doors He will open, and the people He will connect you with to release His discernment, His wisdom, His revelation — Doors you could never have opened for yourself. Rest! He has it all covered, but it is IMPERATIVE to stay deep in the secret place and in His Word. Allow Him to teach you these deeper levels of discernment, so you can stand and release it with integrity, purity, humility and love: releasing the encouragement and wisdom of God in the public place.
I then heard the Lord say, ‘Daughters of God, it’s time to enter the strategy room in the library of heaven.’
I saw the invitation being released from His heart to ‘enter the small door’ into the library of heaven. To enter through lingering with Him, through humility and surrender to Him, to enter ‘facedown’ in surrender. As many daughters accepted His invitation, they entered a ROOM FULL of blueprints. HUGE blueprints. These blueprints were strategies for their own lives, strategies for their families, their children, for ministry, for cities, for nations, for the world.
I saw the daughters of God approach the table where Jesus was sitting, with scrolls of blueprints as far as my eyes could see, and the Lord smiled and spoke:
‘The battles you have faced — many of you for most of your life — have been all about THIS SEASON. For here are SCROLLS OF STRATEGY OF DESTINY that you will partner with Me to see released into your own lives and into the world. This is your season of the greatest unlocking you have ever experienced. I am sending you forth, My daughters, as KEYS carrying the revelatory strategies of My heart: the things I have written and decreed in the books of heaven that I am entrusting to you to now RELEASE, and My Spirit will come in like a FLOOD.’
The sense surrounded me SO strongly that this is a significant DESTINY SEASON for the daughters of God. Stepping into their destiny in ways they never imagined. Every part of this room of heaven decreed, ‘FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS!’ A great positioning, a great increase of favour and authority. But it came not from a place of ‘trying to make it happen.’ or a ‘place of striving,’ it came from a place of humility, surrender and ministering to the Lord and being released from that place into a greater fullness of destiny.
In these encounters with the Lord in the strategy room of heaven, the Lord was releasing numerous new assignments to the daughters of God. One thing that struck me was, as I looked around the strategy room as the assignments were being handed out, I saw SCRIBE ANGELS everywhere. Jesus was handing out assignments to women to WRITE.
He smiled and spoke, ‘The enemy has been attempting to muzzle, constrict and silence you SO MUCH because there are MORE AND MORE BOOKS AND WRITINGS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!’
Suddenly, I saw these SCRIBE ANGELS being assigned to many daughters of God. A SIGNIFICANT increase of the SCRIBE ANOINTING was being released upon the daughters of God to WRITE. Whether they were writing, finished writing, contemplating writing, there was MORE the Lord wanted to release. Books, music, poems, blogs, worship songs SO MANY different expressions of writing. But as they spent time with the Lord in this strategy room in the library of heaven, the writings upon them — now and the ones to come — were DRENCHED in a BREAKER ANOINTING TO UNLOCK! It all made sense why the enemy has been fighting so hard to ‘constrict’ and ‘muzzle’ the daughters…
Jesus then spoke again..
The thing that moved my heart so significantly was, as they spent time lingering with Him in the library of heaven, in this strategy room — to truly hear what HE is saying without agenda — they were receiving His heart. I watched in the centre of SO many of these expressions of writing, I could see His heart BEATING in the centre of it. His heartbeat was sending out SHOCKWAVES of His revelation, His Word and His love, that was releasing SIGNIFICANT breakthrough and alignment. Such significant demonstrations of His power were taking place through these writings to bring a great REALIGNMENT, RECALIBRATION and UNLOCKING into the areas He released their writings into.
Daughters of God, there has been an intense battle upon you to CONSTRICT, SILENCE and MUZZLE you, but this IS your season of the greatest unlocking you have ever experienced for YOUR LIFE and THROUGH your life. You are not stepping INTO the season of your greatest unlocking, you have ALREADY stepped into it. That’s why the enemy is TERRIFIED. The attack is breaking and the breakthrough of greater revelation from His heart to you is manifesting. But it is about to significantly INCREASE.
Lana Vawser