Dear Mama,
As I sat with the Lord in prayer, I was shown the faces of many of His daughters, and His love for them was so strong it moved me to tears. The move of His love went even deeper, as fire began to stir inside me, His spirit was moving, He had something to say. I opened my journal and began to write these words from our Abba father to His daughters.
Mama, as you read these words, know that these words are underlined with a foundation of immense love for you.
I heard the Lord clearly and boldly say, ‘So I say, it is time to rise up and shake off the guilt and the shame, and step into the mandate of motherhood that you have been called into. For you are a daughter of the Most High God, the sovereign Lord, the King of kings, and I call you royal, chosen, and I know you by name.’
Mama, just as He is a father and fights for us; our Jehovah Nissi (the Lord, my Banner), He has positioned us as mothers to the generations, both spiritually and physically. We are to fight for them as mighty warriors of Zion. Your King is calling you to stand firm in where He has positioned you in your families and communities.
I see the Lord calling forth His daughters, His mighty warrior princesses, to fight. He is expanding your influence and He says, ‘You are not alone. My Spirit will flow through you, move powerfully, and leave a remnant in these new spaces of influence. Before you became a mother, you were first a daughter. You are first and foremost Mine, My beloved. Remain in Me and I will be your portion. Allow My love to flow through you as you remain in Me (see John 15:1-17). Allow me to give you the strength, for I am your daily bread.’
As I continued to sit with the Lord, I heard the words, ‘Gather. Mobilise. Equip.’ I asked the Lord what He meant by this, and He said, ‘I am gathering My daughters, mobilising them in strategic places of position; and they are to not fear, but stand firm in faith, for My Spirit will equip them with all that they need to fight.’
He went on to say, ‘My daughters, it’s time to shake off the guilt and the shame, and put on the full armour of God (see Ephesians 6:10-17). There is ground to be taken back where the enemy has made a claim on families.
Mama, it’s time to rise up like Deborah, a mother of Israel; in faith and obedience to the Lord’s call.
As I continued to sit with the Lord and meditate on these words, I was taken to Isaiah 52:1-2:
‘Wake up, wake up, O Zion!
Clothe yourself with strength.
Put on your beautiful clothes, O holy city of Jerusalem,
for unclean and godless people will enter your gates no longer.
Rise from the dust, O Jerusalem.
Sit in a place of honour.
Remove the chains of slavery from your neck,
O captive daughter of Zion.’
As I sat reading, I felt the Lord strongly say that, ‘It is time to “wake up,” My daughters of Zion, and clothe yourselves with strength.’ I continued to read and the following words stood out to me: ‘Rise from the dust,’ ‘Sit in a place of honour,’ and ‘Remove the chains of slavery from your neck’ (Isaiah 52:2). I then strongly heard these words again, ‘It’s time to shake off the guilt and the shame and fight for the future of families, for what I have done at the cross means it is finished. You have victory. I have redeemed My people. You no longer need to live enslaved to sin.’
Mama, it is time to rise up like Deborah to the Lord’s call. It is time to fight for those enslaved by the enemy. Daughter of Zion, you have been equipped with the name above all names — the enemy recognises it and trembles.
Mama, it’s time!