God is happy, He loves you and He’s for you! If that were all I told you, that would be enough. But I have more!

At the beginning of the year I heard Him say:

  1. This is a year of renewed hope, so let hope arise and your enemies will be scattered. 

Now we all know that the scripture is Psalms 68:1 and actually reads, ‘Let God arise and your enemies be scattered.’

I felt like Holy Spirit was saying that God and hope are synonymous. 

In times of trouble I often see myself like Leia, of Star Wars, leaning into R2-D2 and saying, on repeat, ‘…Obi-Wan Kenobe, you are my only hope!’ And immediately I think to myself, ‘God, you are my only hope.’ And I have it in my heart on repeat, just like it was in the movie, only I’m repeating, ‘God, you are my only hope.’

God is truly our hope. Our only hope!

Romans 15:13 says that ‘God, is the inspiration and our fountain of hope.

So Remember that this year He is renewing your hope!

  1. And I heard the Father say, ‘No matter what happens, remember that you are My treasured one. Don’t ever forget it!’

Zeph 3:17 says that He will sooth you with his love, for you are his feast of joyful pleasure (or His treasured one).

The footnote for this verse says that you are sealed (or engraved) with his love. You are His, and His name is engraved over your heart. 

Malachi 3:17, ‘“They will be mine,” says YAHWEH, Commander of Angel-Armies. “And in the day when I make up my treasured possession, I will show them mercy, just as a compassionate father is gentle with his faithful son.”’

Remember that this year, no matter what happens, that you are His treasured one and that He will be the One that gently holds out compassion to you and calls you into His arms of safety.

  1. And I heard, ‘The more you love Me, the more my power will be released in and through you this year to win every battle!’

John 14:15, ‘Loving me empowers you to obey my commands.’


One of the ways David expressed his love and reverence for God was by inquiring of Him or praying. In other words, seeking His face, His permission, before going to war (see 1 Samuel 23:1-4, 1 Samuel 30:8, 2 Samuel 2:1). This is evidence that David recognized God and that God alone could help him defeat his enemies. And  He knew that without God’s help, he and his men would be consumed by their enemies.

Jeremiah 33:3, ‘Call to me  (pray) and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ 

As you love the Lord and show Him by praying, He will speak to you: and not only will He tell you His secrets for your victory in your life, but He will also provide the power you need to walk it out. 

Phil. 1:6, ‘The One who began His glorious work in you will faithfully continue the process of maturing you until He finishes it!’

  1. You are going to be surprised at the people God uses the most this year. And don’t look now, it may even be you! And I prophesy that it will be you!

Psalm 113:8, ‘He turns paupers into princes and seats them on their royal thrones of honor.’

Warning: Don’t judge people prematurely, for if you will honour others you will not have to go back and apologise later. 

  1. Don’t panic and judge your circumstances too quickly. This year there are going to be times when you will think that the enemy is running you into devastation and destruction. But the Lord says, ‘Stop and look to Me and you will find that he’s actually running you into your destiny instead. Only wait on Me!’

Romans 8:28, ‘Every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives.’

Remember Jacob when Esau was coming to meet him? He was fearful of what Esau would do to him: but this was the time when he ran into his destiny and the camp of angels on his way.

And remember our Lord Jesus who was crucified? The enemies plan set Christ up to bring salvation to the whole earth. 

And so your destiny is secure in Christ, and no matter what, your destiny is secure in Him — this year and forever!

Genesis 50:20, ‘What the enemy meant for evil, God will use it for good!’