Like Moses in the wilderness of Mt. Sinai, like David in the fields of Bethlehem, like the woman at Jacob’s Well in Samaria — wherever you are, God sees you, even if others don’t. And when the time is right, He’ll find you. He’ll call you. He’ll change you.
You’ve never escaped the gaze and thoughts of your Heavenly Father for your walls are ever before Him. (Isaiah 49:16, ‘See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.’)
When you feel overlooked and counted out by others, I want to remind you: you are seen and counted on by the LORD. You don’t have to strive to be noticed, you are seen by the only One that matters.
These lonely places need a new perspective, a glimpse from Heaven’s vantage point. These are not deserted places, but training grounds. The dryness and heat will not harm you, but are an opportunity to run to Jesus to quench your thirst with living water, and let the fire purify your character.
Some lessons can only be learned in the wilderness. Wherever you are, be all there. Be faithful to the mission-field God has placed you in this season. Learn all you can, give all you’ve got — not to be noticed… goodness knows Moses, David, the woman at the well were not trying to catch anyone’s attention — if anything, possibly trying to avoid interaction. Do it for Him, do it with Him.
When God has a call on your life, nothing will stand in His way. He’ll find you.
So if you feel as though you are restlessly wandering: trust that the Lord has ordered your steps. (Psalm 37:23)
In the solitude, ask Him to purify your heart, ask Him to heal the broken places of your soul, ask Him to use you where you are, ask Him to be content right now — not when external things have changed. Let the change within begin in the lonely places. For the Lord needs a pure bride who has walked through the fire, the drought, the raging sea and has found their sole comfort in His affirmation and love — those who live and move and breathe in Him, and for Him and from Him.
The army of God arising for such a time as this is full of lovers and secret-place dwellers, who carry the heartbeat of Heaven. Those who have gone through the trials, allowed the fire and the loneliness to do its work, refining and drawing them closer to Jesus, the lover and guardian of their soul. They’ve been with Him and have become like Him — hearts full of fire, compassion, grace, love, mercy, and justice.
If you think you’ve missed it, feel lost, are looking for your place, know the Lord has not forgotten. You are found by Him and in Him. You have a place at His table, in His Kingdom, and when the time is right, He’ll find you.