Scribes title (12)
Woman leaping

Jesus is tidying up the order of our beings right now so that we’re not living body led, soul led, need driven. We are designed to live with our spirit leading, yielded to the supremacy, headship, and the government of Jesus — not our body or our emotions. In His time on earth, Jesus rested into the authority of the Scriptures. For example, when He was tested in the wilderness (Matt 4:1-11), how did He deal with the enemy? It is written… It is written… It is written… He yielded to the supremacy of the Father, the governance of the Divine, the truth of divine perspective.

Our soul tries to dictate to us, our body tries to dictate, the demonic tries to dictate, circumstances external to us try to dictate, but you can bring them into submission to divine perspective. As you do that, you will see Him manifest. The Living Word will begin to incarnate through your life. Jesus came out of that wilderness encounter full of power. He defeated the enemy with divine perspective.

God gets expression on the earth through His Body as we come in agreement with divine perspective. Don’t entertain perspectives that aren’t the Creator’s perspective. Religion gets us to jump through hoops and makes it so complicated. It’s simply about rest. It’s not about fighting. We’ve already won. We’ve got to tune into the victory that we implement, which is simply about being conscious of the reality that we live in heaven and on earth. We have a soul so we can interact with this realm, we have a body so that we can physically be in this realm, but our spirit is seated in heavenly places with Jesus 

If we’re being pushed around by need, we’re not being led by our spirit. It’s easy to see what’s leading within us: Are we in love? Are we in rest? If we’re not, then we’re out of alignment with divine perspective. God is consuming us with truth right now so that there’s internal governance and then from there an overflow to govern everything in our lives and the issues He has us called to pray for. Governing by bringing it under His divine perspective, coming into agreement to release angels on assignment. He came to give us life and life in abundance (John 10:10). He wants us to be experiencing that body, soul and spirit.

Matthew 4:24 (NIV) tells us, ‘News about him spread all over Syria, and people brought to him all who were ill with various diseases, those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed, those having seizures, and the paralyzed; and he healed them.’ He healed them! He is Healer. I encourage you to rest back internally and let Him come front and centre within you as Healer.

If you have sickness right now, just begin to rest into the supreme governance of divine perspective of His truth. This is reigning from rest. You can do this for anybody that you love who is struggling, begin to tune in. Let Him come front and centre inside you by His Spirit. Now you’re in agreement. He’s moving powerfully and what happens is the Healer will manifest through you. His Word will incarnate through you.

You can do this for every aspect of who He is, and submit any area under the divine truth of His nature. For example, God is love. You can speak to your body and soul and say, ‘Body, God is love. Soul, God is love.’ If you’re in reaction to a difficult dynamic in one of your relationships, then this is a great way to get to a place where you’re blasting love into the other person instead of self-preserving or engaging in fear. You just lean in and say, ‘You are the God of comfort. You are the God of love. Jesus, will You show me who they are to Your heart? Give me third heaven perspective. Let me see them perfected because of Your blood, and relate to them as You relate to them. I lean into You and rest.’ What will happen is He will start to shoot through you as love and settle your soul down, as you have yielded your soul to His headship and perspective. The Living Word is now radiating through you, changing things. Evicting darkness and shifting atmospheres because you are reigning from above, and you bring the Kingdom on earth.

The enemy wants division but Jesus is the God of peace and He’s bringing His people to a place where our agreement with divine perspective will shift the atmospheres of the nations. We’re moving there now, and it has a personal application and a global application. Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. He is moving us into greater and greater degrees of true effectiveness as we agree with Him.

Governance is the capacity of the reigning bride who knows where she lives and is tuned into that reality. She lives from rest, from victory, from security of heart, and identity. It doesn’t mean we’re not going to have bad hair days! It’s okay. His grace is amazing. We just say, ‘Okay, why did I react like that?’ and come back into truth. Bring everything into submission under the headship of divine perspective again and your life will drastically change. You’ll align into who you actually are and have that authentic expression coming from your life.

Jesus is bringing us forth into the experience of the fullness of the victory of the cross, which is that we are His bride without spot, blemish or wrinkle, who look exactly like Him. This is one of the massive keys to moving into this experience, which is aligning to the headship and the authority of the Living Word so that He can incarnate. As Jesus is, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17). I bless your spirit right now to come up into ascendancy over your soul and your body. Rise up in the name of Jesus, rise up in strength and power as spirit beings!

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